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Discount Coupon


Discount coupons are used to give discounts based on a coupon code which can be printed at the end of a receipt (original or copies). Refer to coupon setup.

Coupon codes can be used multiple times, therefore it is recommended that customers surrender their coupon codes if you want the customers to use the coupon once.

The following functions are available:

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Steps to configure discount coupons
  3. Redeeming Discount Coupons

1. Prerequisites

Setup the following configurations:

  Code  Description  Default Value

 Discount Coupon Identifier.

 To scan a discount coupon, the barcode or card reader must have the format {DiscountCoupon.Identifier}DiscountCouponCode{DiscountCoupon.Identifier}


2. Steps to configure discount coupons

2.1 Discount Coupon

  1. Add a New Record
  2. Enter the following details:
      Field  Description
     Code Enter an alpha numeric unique code to identify the record

     Enter a detailed description for the discount coupon including any terms and conditions.
     The description will be printed on receipt. It is recommended to enter the coupon validity period so users know when to use the coupon. See example below:

     For example: a fuel offer of 1c per litre can be as follows:

     Fuel Offer - Save: 1c/litre
     Valid for Novemeber 2020
     This receipt entitles you to receive a discount of 1c per litre off the pump price for all fuels at service stations.
     Valid for one transaction only. Limit of 1 receipt per fuel purchase up to 150 litres per vehicle per customer.
     No other discounts apply. See in-store for fuel terms and conditions.
     This section of receipt must be surrendered on redemption.

     Start Date  Enter the Start date the discount coupon is valid from
     End Date  Enter the End date the discount coupon is valid to
     Print Type  Select the transaction type from "Cash, Credit or Layby" to control which transactions can print the discount coupon in receipt.
     Redeem Type  Select the transaction type from "Cash, Credit or Layby" to control which transactions can redeem the discount coupon.
     Minimum Spend  Minimum spend required to print the discount coupon on receipt.
     Print on Receipt  Tick this box to print this coupon on Point of Sale receipts exceeding the "Minimum Spend" amount.
     Deleted  Deleted will disable the record

2.2 Discount Details

  1. Add a New Record
  2. Enter the following details:
      Field Description  Example values for 1c per litre
     Sequence Sequence order in which the discount is applied  1

    Enter the location for the discount. Leave blank when discount is applied to all locations.

     leave blank
     Category Enter the Product category for the discount. Leave blank when discount is applied to all categories.  Wet Goods (include all sub categories)
     Product Enter the product for the discount. Leave blank when discount is applied to all products.  leave blank
     Discount Type

    Select the discount type "Line Total" or "Quantity".

    When giving discounts by "Line Total" it is recommended to use "Discount Is Percent = Yes".  Choosing a "Discount is Percent" = No implies that each line will get the discount.

     Minimum Enter the minimum "Line Total" or "Quantity" based on the "Discount Type". The sale will need to exceed this value for the discount to apply.  0.00

    Enter the maximum "Line Total" or "Quantity" based on the "Discount Type". This can be used to limit the amount of discount given.

    E.g: if the customer gets 1c per Litre discount, you can set the maximum of 150 to indicate the customer will get discounts upto 150 L of fuel.
    If the customer fills 200L of fuel, the last 50L will not get a discount.

     Discount Amount Discount amount per "Line Total" or "Quantity" based on the "Discount Type"  0.01
     Discount Is Percent Tick this box if discount amount is a percent  unticked
     Deleted Deleted will disable the record  unticked

2.3 Coupon Usage

Shows the transactions in which the discount coupon was applied.

3. Redeeming a Discount Coupon

To redeem a discount coupon, follow these steps:

  1. Scan all the items that the customer has bought in the Link POS
  2. Scan the discount copuon barcode. Discounts will be applied. Note that any prior discounts applied will be removed.

Figure 1: Sample Receipt with Discount Coupons